At Ky's Kards we're intentional about creating note card designs that are bright, fresh, and fun - the kind you'll want to keep around a while to hang on your refrigerator or bulletin board, or set on your desk as a day brightener. As we always say, "our cards are keepers!"
But even the best note cards you've received in the mail eventually accumulate, and we love the idea of repurposing what’s been given to you to brighten someone else’s day!
Recently Claire (our new social media manager!) and Kyle did just that with a simple and fun DIY May Day Basket project using repurposed Ky's Kards. We thought you may want to do it too, so here's the how-to:
1. Cut two cards down the middle. You'll use the card fronts for this project and you can still save the backs that have the handwritten notes if you'd like!
2. Hold the two card fronts together (back to back) and punch holes 1/2 inch apart around 3 of the sides.
3. Choose your favorite ribbon and cut to a length long enough to thread through the holes and still have enough left over to tie together to make a hanger.
4. Weave the ribbon through the punched holes and tie the ends of the ribbon in a knot to form the hanger.
5. Purchase or pick some flowers and fill the card May baskets to your liking. (You could also use candy or something else instead of flowers. Get creative!)
6. Lastly, deliver your note card May Baskets and make someone's day!